18.–19. sajandil kasutati linnusevaremete kive linnas ehitusmaterjalina. Seetõttu on linnuse müüridest alles vähesed katked.
Tänapäeval on seal vabaõhulava, mis on nii pärimusmuusika festivalil kui teistel vabaõhuüritustel hinnatud kontserdipaik. See on samuti ka üks levinumaid turismiobjekte Viljandimaal.
The order castle convent house so called offise staff house is located in Kaevumäe. It was probaply finished in the middle of 13th-14th century. The convent house was surrounded with the first front stronghold, big part of the gate construction is still remained. Also the western wall is remained, which you can see the height of the wall. Other walls have shattered. The living quarters of the commander located in the west wing and storerooms beneath them on the basic floor. The
chapterhouse and the chapel were located in the northen wing. Livingrooms of the brothes of the order were lovated in the east wing and the dining hall in the southern wing. There was a well in the patio. Also theres was a cloister surrounding the yard, it was used to move from one wing to another. In the 18th-19th century people in the City used the rocks of the castle ruins as building materials. That is the reason way there is so little left of the castle ruins.
Nowadays there is a open-air stage , that is a popular concert ground. Also it's a wellknown sightseeing pleace in Viljandimaa.
Allikad: http://www.kultuurikava.ee/places/kaevumagi
Geograafilised koordinaadid : 58.359165, 25.595278
Fotode autor : Helene-Terese Jürgenson

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