Teater Ugala sai alguse 1920. aastal kui see kandis nime Teatri-ja Kunstiühing Ugala. Teatri Põhikiri registreeriti 10. jaanuaril 1920. aastal. Esimesed etendused kanti ette kas Saarepeedi kõrtsis või Koidu seltsimajas. Aastatel 1975- 1983 oli uus hoone ehitamisel aga andis oma esimese etenduse 81. aastal olles sel hetkel Baltikumi uhkeim teatrihoone. Teater projeteerisid arhitektid Irina Raud, Kalju Luts ja Inga Leon. Tänasel päeval juhib teatrit Kristiina Alliksaar.
Ugala is a theater in the city of Viljandi in Estonia. Theater Ugala began in the year 1920, when it was called Theater and Art union. It constitution was set at 10th of january in 1920.
First plays were whether in Saarepeedi Pub or in Koidu clubhouse. The years between 1975 til 1983 the new theater was under construction but the first show was in 1981 while beeing one of the best theaters in Baltic states. The theater was designed by Irina Raud, Kalju Luts and Inga Leon. Today the theaters head is Kristiina Alliksaar.
Kordinaadid: 58°21'43''N 25°35'18''E
Foto: Georgi Jasnov
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