Veetorn on Viljandi linnasilueti lahutamatu osa. Suveti on see külastajatele avatud. Tornist avaneb Viljandi linnale suurepärane vaade. Seal eksponeeritud fotod tutvustavad külastajatele Viljandi lähi ajalugu.
The Water Tower is a 30-meter-high red brick structure, which has an octagonal upper portion with small Windows. Viljandi was one of the first towns in Estonia that installed a waterworks and sewer system. The construction of the Water Tower and installation od the sewer system in the town was started in May 1911. The tower operated until 1960.
The Water Tower is an integraal part of the Viljandi skyline. it is open to visitors in the summer. A wonderful view of Viljandi can be had from the tower. Photographs are on display in the tower introducing the recent history of Viljandi to visitors.
Geograafilised koordinaadid Viljandi vana veetorn: N58.3626475
Allikas: Vana Veetorni infotahvel
Foto autor: Pirjo Lehtla
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